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Jazz has been teaching Yoga for 5 years now.  She is a former dancer and student of Kinesiology & Psychology.  She began her yoga practice in college while living in San Diego studying at Point Loma Nazarene University.  She took her first "hot yoga" class at the beautiful studio Indie Yoga located in Ocean Beach.  Her love for the practice grew naturally as she began to experience the variety of healing benefits.  Suffering from debilitating migraines and working through the daily stress of life she began practicing Yoga daily and began "feeling better" after each class.  Soon she became President of the Yoga Club on campus (known as YOMA Yoga & Martial Arts). It was on campus in the rec room she began sharing the teachings of Yoga with students on a weekly basis while teaching fitness classes for the athletic department.  Yoga became a part of her life in an even bigger way than she had expected in the following years...


After a big transition back to the midwest in 2012 following the loss of a dear loved one she says,


I was beyond blessed to have ended up in such a warm nurturing community after losing my Aunt Suzanne who mothered me throughout my childhood & shared a passion for Yoga.  The Yoga Studio in Indianapolis, owned by Karen Fox, welcomed me with open arms and open hearts.  I was blessed to study yoga on a deeper, more thorough level and receive my 200 hour Registered Yoga Alliance certification.  The six month journey, while experiencing grief for the first time, was the biggest blessing I could have prayed for.  I had been hoping to complete an official yoga teacher training for a few years and never expected for the opportunity to present itself in such a synchronistic and timely manner.  I am beyond grateful for each person that has left an imprint on my heart during the last couple of years.  Each one contributed to my growth not only as a young woman of God, but as a yoga teacher.  My passion lies in sharing this beautiful practice with all people from all backgrounds and experiences.


My journey has been one filled with disappointments, mistakes, heartache, neglect, emotional abuse, and like all of us it's been a struggle.  After studying the human body and mind so intricately at PLNU while simultaneously practicing yoga, I have come to believe that we all need the understanding that yoga manifests.  It is a practice designed for all bodies to help eliminate the clutter and negative thoughts we have stored up over our years of fighting our everyday battles.  Yoga is a practice about finding your unique flow in life, which organically morphs into finding your "peace in the center of the chaos."  Yoga teaches us to withdrawal from the physical senses & distractions of the world helping you seek the [space between] the thoughts.  Guided by prana (sanskrit for breathe;life-force) we are able to retrain our brains and manifest thoughts, words, and actions that are beneficial for ourselves and those we interract with.


Karen Fox, Erin Baker, Amy McGuire, Nikki Myers, Michael McCarthy, Jennifer Jarrett, Audrey McCann, Jackie Simon, and Jimmy Burgio are a few of the teachers she has studied under.  Ashtanga Yoga, the 5,000 year old traditional style of Yoga is the root of her yoga teaching. 


"Jazz makes yoga really accessible for people of all skill levels and as beginner I feel comfortable in any of her classes."

-Jeanette Renshaw fitness instructor


“Perfect technique modified for any skill level with the greatest amount of patience and kindness.”



"Jazz offers a comfortable atmosphere for both the beginning and experienced yogi.  she helped take my practice from my living room to the studio."



"Jazz provided me a welcoming yoga experience.  being fairly new to yoga her instruction encouraged me to keep coming back.'



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